
Guess this tune

What sings like Bjork but is not Bjork? Well, I don't know, but here is the story.
Yesterday on my way to work I was listening to iPod radio and heard this song. Of course, there was no one on radio to tell what was the performer and what was song's title. It sounded like Bjork, but the tempo was a bit faster than in usual her songs. And why isn't it Bjork? I spent up to 3 hours listening to all Bjork songs on YouTube and didn't find this one.
I'm pretty sure it was not the first time I heard this song. It's not brand new, might be couple years old - imagine how many songs were created during that period of time! I can recall few words from song (it's Bjork like, so it's hard to capture the words in song), but Google couldn't find anything, neither other lyric search engines. I'm desperate. Please, help me find it! Or I'll start writing e-mails to all radios, that I could listen at that time... Or I'll have to hack into their databases (Somebody stop me).
I'm on drugs(nah, it's not what you thinking, I'm on medicine) couple last days because of unbearable pain that my wisdom tooth causes (bastard). I even went to tooth surgeon. And he told me to take more medicine and then he'll say if I should rid of extra tooth.
So, I'm angry and desperate.

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