
In philosophical mood

What is the capacity of heart? I don't know, but I'm sure it can explode from negative emotions. But how many good ones it can contain? I would like to believe that this number is close to infinity, but fortunatelly there are less people on Earth than that. I would like to believe that all the good ones that I've met or will meet - there will be enough space for all of them in my heart. I do wish I had an elastic heart for that. And I can only hope that I will manage to keep all the good memories in my head too.
But we don't know the reasons why one or another person comes into our lifes. We don't even know if he/she will stay forever there. We only can hope that it will take a while. But then it turns out, their role wasn't the main one in your life. It might hurt a little bit, but it's better to think about the changes they brought in to your life: have you learned anything from them, have they inspired you. Simply, tt was impossible for them to stay in your gravity force field, they had the gravity of their own. They moved on.
It's better to think about all those people that you meet as your travel mates. You are travelling with a train, sitting in a compartment. And the number of passengers that this compartment can contain is limited. Some passengers enter it, some leave. Some stay there very shortly, and others sit there for a while. You sit and talk to them. You don't know which ones will stay with you until you reach your final destination. You only get to know that once you get there. But final destination can't be your goal (sure, if this was not a life as a train comparison example, then it could be). It's the passengers that you talk to and landscapes that you see through the window - these are the most important aspect of train ride.

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