
The party is over and I can't no longer feel the hangover of it. Reality is back on track. Staring right in to my eyes with no intention to step aside. This is probably what people call fear or cowardice, I can feel it creeping up to me. I can feel my legs trembling and shaking. The fact is that I quit my job. The other fact is - I'm starting a new one tomorrow. People are the creatures of habit. Habit is comforting, it makes us feel safe. But it can make us sleepy and lazy. Current situation is nowhere near safety and comfort. But obscurity can also be thrilling and exciting. It makes us fresh, it makes us feel and it makes us grow and move forward out of comfort garage into the highway of unknown. And yet it slows down the tempo of the life passing through - so that You can experience it all. Enough philosophical rambling, let's face it. Tomorrow.

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