
cooking PHP cake

Some time ago one ex-coworker mentioned about cakePHP - a rapid web application development framework. Finally, I dedicated half of my day to find out what this thing really does and is it really good. I can't say, that I already know everything about it (there always will be stuff to learn).
The technology is really pretty simple to setup (independently on if you own web server or just have an account there). It employs the MVC pattern for viewing, storing and managing in other ways the data. Also it takes care about database management, making saving data or extracting it from database really painless (you don't have to look for db managers on your own, and even if you already have one, there is still a lot code to write, till you see the results). There is template system already there, so no need to integrate Smarty or other one into your project. When you code with phpCake it's really simple just to pay attention to business logics not the coding part as this one is pretty simple.
It's impossible to mention all the good things there and besides that I don't want to take that pleasure of discovering something good from you. A pretty good acquaintance by example would be to read this article. Bon appetite!

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