Have you ever experienced satisfaction while coding? Maybe concrete language makes you feel that way when you code using it? Well, one should say: "Of course, I am programmer, any kind of coding makes me feel that" or something similar. That might be true. In rare cases. But usually, some languages are closer to the heart than others, and some solutions make your hair stand, while others are real blessing to code. And that's true because:
1. not all design of software is great
2. everyone has a different taste
If to talk about taste, for example, I enjoy coding Java and not that much C++. Probably it's a case of subconsciousness or psychological factor based on my experiences, but I can't really tell why I like one more than other. I just do.
The funniest thing is that, I earn my bread and butter(hopefully that one too) coding C++. Irony of fate, one should say. Probably. But for those who think how much I "not enjoy" my work and how little interest there is for me in my job, I have to say this I don't hate C++. I try to think about tasks by passing this language level. It's not that language that is enjoying in this case, it's the task you have to accomplish. There is always a part of boring things in it, and a part of interesting things. If you want it to look boring and uninteresting, then it becomes so. And if you try to find something that "drives" you and gives you satisfaction, then it is too. That's my source of motivation. I think.
But this post is a bit off topic now. There is other kind of programming languages. That makes you experience quite nice feelings while using it(don't think anything erotic there). Just take a look at lolcode. Before that, you should know what lol, pwnd, btw, kthx and etc is. It is advisable to get to know to such "terminology" before exploring lolcode. I'd enjoy using this language. Even in projects which are not so great. Extra portion of vitamin c is always welcome.
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