
Continuing about BuildStuff

When you make a mistake, what you try to make? To admit it or to cover it up?
So, I've been wrong about one thing. In my previous post, I said - there wasn't a darts board on the BuildStuff conference, but I was wrong. There was one, but I couldn't see. So, I guess it's not so bad - even without Foosball or ping pong. But who needs those games when there is a possibility to build your own AI that competes against AIs of other players in hexagonal world, right?! Once you try it - it's hard to stop and you keep improving and improving your strategy... maybe missing a session or two... going late to sleep because researching the algorithms... And here you actually have a chance of winning, nothing like buying a lottery ticket. So, I've been wrong twice. The second wrong thing I told was that two bank companies were taking part in this conference. There was actually three of them! And the AI hexagon world challenge was presented by the third one - no wonder I missed it.
All three days passed in an eye-blink giving sessions better one after other. Companies took out their big guns and drums to entertain the attenders. The evening party featured two bands(one of them with Undefined name(so, geeky!)), everyone was having fun - making it harder to get up and feel concentrated the next day.
The birthday cake was huge decorated like a CPU(probably) and drowned in a sea of cupcakes. To make it easier to choose one, they were decorated with programming languages and framework names.
But the real firework of the conference was a closing keynote given by a musician Jurgis Didžiulis about motivation and stimulus of life, revealed few of his trade secrets and tried to make programmers dance and sing. He admitted that it wasn't that easy after all. And one thing he didn't fail - he made us laugh quite a lot.

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