
Villa Santa Croce mountain

The second and the third day in Villa Santa Croce was more calm compared to the first one.
On the second day - it was raining, rather badly and such weather stayed for the bigger part of the day. Going somewhere without getting wet - was impossible. But we still made it for a short walk to the local mountain and visited potato field of our hosts.
A short walk to the local mountain peak. Just in time before the big cloud started crying. See the pale gray mountain in the distance? It's Vesuvio. Although it was on my initial plan, this is as closest as I could get to it this time.

Mountain peak - a perfect place for a cemetery. Closest place to the heaven.

And though we used paths, it was no walk in a park. Because I wanted to take pictures, I always stayed behind. Walking and shooting - seemed rather reckless.
According to our hosts, it's not even a village - it's just one street! Impossible to get lost, but hard to get there.

If you die in Italy, everybody gets invited to your funeral with a similar posted, which I happened to see quite a lot during the trip.

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