Today while looking for music for milonga's cortina I stumbled upon an interesting genre - dark cabaret. And while the music itself sounds not very dark (rather cheerful), the lyrics are somewhat disturbing. For example: "... sitting in a stack of skulls" (from the song "Rattlesnake" of Caravan of Thieves). Combined such lyrics and rather ungloomy music - I can't picture a statistical person listening to this music... Who would it be? Goths, emos, morticians or funeral service owners... Someone who doesn't understand lyrics, but enjoys that style of music.

It's been talks and promises for years for Starbucks coming to Lithuania, but no, they aren't there yet. And I doubt they'll ever be, because local coffees would be a tough competition. So, no! No Starbucks! But today I found out, that there is Canadian coffee place opened in Kaunas - Second cup. I'm not sure about their coffee, because I quit on that habit - year and eight months ago, but the chai latte is as good as in Lithuanian coffee chains and they do have very nice paper cups.
I did want to try out the London mist flavored chai latte, but they didn't have one. When I asked what is the taste like, I learned they never received one yet! Ok, it takes a while to ship a London mist from Canada... I hope that they won't hurry - I don't want to see any London fog on the streets of Kaunas, it's sad enough that the autumn is already here. But on the other hand I still want to try out that taste...
Today I took part in a local running event for a short 5K run. Now that I look at my current result, I remember that my first attempts at this distance took me 8 minutes longer to complete! And I was afraid I'm not gonna make it to the finish line then:)
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