I feel like I've fell dozen of times on my knees and palms, and my rear. And it's because I did while trying to tame the snowboard, and snow. No, you are wrong this post isn't a lost one from the winter season. It's a summer still at this moment. I just visited Druskininkai Snow Arena yesterday. Besides some skiing lessons at school long time ago, I had zero experience of skiing. Neither did I have any experience of snowboarding. And you know, 2 hours of skating with long board doesn't make it easier. The lack of my experience with winter sports is that snow and ice never was my favorite medium for doing sports.
But I rented a snowboard, and everything seemed easy until I had to stand at the middle of the hill in snow arena. Funny thing was, that after I fixed my boots to the board, I couldn't stand up on my own. A thought of going down - didn't seem so funny at all. So, after hearing some instructors from my experienced snowboarder colleague, I went to beginner's track - somehow got on the elevator (sort of moving floor), went down once - and was dragged back in(by my colleague) to the normal track. Once you fell down once, it get's easier, and again, and again. So, very slowly I evolved from a crawling skater to a somebody that resembles a human on a snowboard. Still moving at very slow speed, I could make it down the hill by falling down 3 or 4 times only. 4 hours is definitely not enough to say, that I would be confident to go snowboarding in the mountains (I wouldn't be confident, but I would go anyway:)) ). But I'm ready to give it a try few more times - it's good that the winter season is not there yet, and there are quite a few people you have to share the track with in the Druskininkai Snow Arena - making it a perfect place to practice first steps with a snowboard.
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