Today has been a very interesting day. So interesting that I don't know where to start from.
Before leaving the hotel I tried to minimize the weight I have to carry - ditching scarf, block note, pens, Italian conversations book, even inner fillings of camera bag. Besides that - I was determined to to the minimum of walking, only when needed.
My determination failed when I didn't fit into a second metro train at Manzoni station - walking to Colosseum was faster than waiting. And besides that I love the view to Colosseum from the Viale della Domus Aurea - be it morning or evening.
My plan for morning was to take Jep Gabardeli's route - the one he's taking in the morning on the banks of Tevere. Thought that taking a metro to Pyramid's station would be just fine - but it appears I had to do some walking towards river. Tried to find a place that sells tea or cocoa - ended up at a place where barmaid doesn't speak English (that's not unexpected) - but a helpful italian man (or should I say roman?) helped me out by translating. It appears he used to play basketball when he was younger(young) and knows Sabonis. I got my tea served in a glass bottle of juice (for taking out).
Finally, I reached Tevere and the bridge at the Piaza di Porta Portese, descended down and enjoyed the calm walk on the almost empty banks of Tevere. That lasted until I reached a bridge to Tevere Island. There I had most delicious hot chocolate ever for 2 euros. Headed to island, then walked out through the pedestrian bridge. There I saw a man selling gorilla pods. Asked how much it was costing - 10 euros. I paid for mine 30 euros over internet:/ Then turned to jewish district and for Campo Dei Fiori. Do you still remember I was determined to do the minimum of walking? I had forgotten this. I only tried to slow down my pace, hopefully I did, usually I'm a fast walker. My goal for today was to get to Vatican about 2pm, get into museums and spend the rest of the day there.
At the bridge near Castel de Augustino I was greated by an Italian man(an old one). We exchanged few phrases and it turned out he was working as a guide for tourist groups in Vatican, he suggested to show things around - and I thought why not. That's where my lesson on Italian culture and history started - in half English, half Italian.
Waiting in a line for Saint Peter's cathedral I got my sun tan - probably will be seeing (and feeling) the results very soon. After the quick(and free) excursion and cathedral, I went for Vatican museums, grabbing a canoli di Napoli on my way (now I understand why my friend likes them a lot). Somehow managed to avoid the scam and overpaying 30 euros for skipping the lines to museums(a ticket to museum is 16 euro only). In Vatican museums everything seems Sistine Chapel centered. Even if you go just for it - you have to go through everything else. And everything else is not that bad compared to the Sistine Chappel. It's beautiful, but I didn't feel anything special about it. Maybe few hundred of other tourists standing in the same room and guards constantly reminding that you have to keep moving had to do something with that. Anyway, to my taste everything in Vatican museums was too decorated, too shiny and too colorful. But if you look at the historical value - of course, it's impressive. Experiencing this in totally different environment - with fewer people, in almost silence and no hurry, I believe, it could leave a better impression. The thing I liked most there was the garden with a fountain at the dusk.
After so much footwork I felt really hungry - it was time to try some local food at the restaurant - not a usual take away snack. I decided to do some classics for the first time - spaghetti a la carbonara and tiramisu. I'm not sure it's that how they should taste - but I liked it - a bacon flavor in a spaghetti sauce and a frozen top and warm base of tiramisu. A bartender at the restaurant tried to ask me out - but I turned it down. I understand that Italians are friendly, but hey I'm Lithuanian - I'm not used to so much friendliness. Or I have to learn pay less attention to their attention.
Anyway, it was not the last adventure of the day. I got shown two beautiful panoramas (and not crowded by tourists) of the city - one to the Foro Romano and the other from the piazalle de Cafarelli to street of Teatro di Marcello.
That's all for my determination to do a minimum amount of walking - there is tiredness and some pain in my feet, but it feels very far away, like in different dimension.
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